Digital diagnosis

We support your digital transformation

The intensive use of digital tools and emerging technologies is profoundly transforming the culture of companies, their working methods, and even their economic models. Thanks to a complete digital diagnosis, give your business a leap into the future.

Plusieurs personnes sont assises autour d'une table avec des ordinateurs portatifs et des cahiers déposés dessus.

What is a digital diagnosis?

The digital diagnosis constitutes a crucial and essential step in the digital transformation of a company. Its main objective is to assess the digital maturity of each function within the organization, in order to highlight opportunities and promote an effective digital shift. This evaluation is based on the company's business objectives, thus guaranteeing organizational consistency throughout the process.

Thanks to an in-depth analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well as identified risks and opportunities, the digital diagnosis provides a solid basis for developing a suitable action plan. This action plan is essential to ensure a successful digital transition, by implementing strategies that strengthen the company's strengths and address its weaknesses.

In summary, the digital diagnosis is not only an evaluation tool, but also a strategic guide to support companies in their transition to digital and enable them to adapt and prosper in an increasingly digital environment.

Image d'un écran d'ordinateur affichant des tableaux et des chiffres

When to do a digital diagnosis

Launch of a new digital strategy

Before implementing new digital initiatives, a diagnosis allows you to define a clear roadmap adapted to your objectives.

Performance stagnation

If you notice that the performance of your digital actions is stagnating or declining, a diagnostic can help identify problems and provide corrective solutions.

Change or expansion in the business

If you are planning to expand your market or launch new products/services, a digital diagnostic will help you ensure your digital infrastructure is ready to support this growth.

Maintain good competitiveness

In an ever-changing digital environment, regular diagnostics helps you stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring your business maintains its competitiveness in the market.

The advantages of digital diagnosis

A digital diagnosis can bring several undeniable benefits to your business and improve its profitability and viability.

Performance Optimization

A digital diagnosis allows for a precise evaluation of your website or application's current performance. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, targeted recommendations can be provided to improve speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience.

Enhanced Security

With the increase in cyber threats, the security of your digital platforms is more crucial than ever. A digital diagnosis provides a thorough analysis of your website or application's vulnerabilities to identify potential risks and implement well-suited security measures.

Improved Online Visibility

A good digital diagnosis includes an evaluation of your online presence, particularly in terms of SEO. It helps optimize your content for better search engine ranking. Better online visibility means more traffic, more prospects, and ultimately more sales.

Adaptation to Market Trends

The digital world evolves rapidly, with new trends and technologies constantly emerging. A digital diagnosis helps you stay up to date with these changes and identify opportunities for innovation and continuous improvement.

AI at the service of UX audit

At UX-CO, we take advantage of the best AI tools to provide you with precise, relevant and efficient rendering.

Our digital diagnostic process

Digital diagnosis must be meticulously structured according to a precise strategy and methodology. This process is essential for identifying the actions required to boost the effectiveness of conversion rates.

Beyond the audit

We know how difficult it is to transform services and products in one day. This is why we remain at your side to continue implementing roadmaps and improve recommendations if contexts change.

Our experts

Photo de Laure Gabrielle Chatenet

Laure Gabrielle Chatenet

President - UX Expert

Photo de Jeam-Michel Lacroix

Jean-Michel Lacroix

Expert in technical performance

Calque de Capian

We designed and developed Capian, a usability assessment support software that enables professionals to create better assessments more efficiently.

What our customers think

"Quick and effective fixes rather than a major overhaul"

"The UX-co audit allowed us to make major fixes to our website, quickly and without having to redo everything. I was able to make a portion of the fixes myself and for the rest I was fine equipped to negotiate with my agency."

Daniel Riou
President of Défi Entreprises


Increase in registration numbers


Reduced customer support burden


A digital diagnostic is an in-depth assessment of your company’s digital maturity. It helps measure your level of preparedness for digital challenges and opportunities by analyzing various aspects such as online visibility, digital marketing, online sales, internal resources, and security. This approach is crucial to identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as risks and opportunities, in order to build a suitable action plan that will facilitate a successful digital transformation consistent with your business objectives.

Digital diagnosis offers several advantages. It provides a clear view of your current position in terms of digital maturity, which helps identify areas requiring improvement. By raising executive awareness of digital issues, it promotes strategic awareness. Additionally, by highlighting opportunities for growth and optimization, the diagnosis helps prioritize investments and actions, thus ensuring a more efficient and targeted digital transition, while increasing your company's competitiveness in the market.

Our digital diagnosis process is structured in four steps: The first involves data collection. Next, we analyze current performance. Then, we identify issues, and finally, we develop recommendations.

Indeed, beyond conducting the digital diagnosis, we can ensure the implementation of the actions recommended in the audit document, thanks to our team of experienced consultants.

UX-co is a well-established player in the field of digital audits and diagnosis. Our team is composed of seasoned experts in various disciplines such as UX/UI, SEO, Analytics, conversion rate optimization, web performance, etc. Therefore, no matter your business, we will provide you with personalized assistance and diagnosis.


  • Most interventions will be on Skype / telephone. In-person presentations will take place in the greater Quebec City region. No travel costs are included and the costs of an intervention outside the greater Quebec region will be negotiated.
  • Payment takes place before the start of the intervention.
  • The number of hours for each intervention is limited. The maximum time allocated represents the offer price divided by our hourly rate of $125.
  • Access to Capian’s “Premium” package lasts 6 months.
  • For the analysis of Google Analytics statistics, you will need to provide us with access.
  • The audit report will be produced using the Capian audit tool by a UX-co expert.