UX Meetups

UX evenings are gatherings aimed at raising awareness and educating professionals interested in user experience and customer experience, including individuals in technology, project managers, managers, decision-makers, and business leaders.

The conferences

Our wonderful speakers graciously offer their time and expertise to share their experiences related to user experience. Thank you all for your presence.

29 may 2018

For this final edition of the year 2018, UX meetups offers you two exceptional speakers in their field!

Thérèse Migan Ergonomist - Ubisoft Montreal –

Thérèse Migan has been an ergonomist for 5 years at Ubisoft Montreal, working closely with technical teams. She will discuss the challenges encountered in such a large global structure.

Pierre-Luc Girard President, PLG Digital –

Pierre-Luc Girard, a specialist in advertising and digital performance, works with companies to grow their influence and help them carve out a prominent place on the web. He will talk about user qualification and various strategies for optimizing conversion funnels.

26 february 2018

For this third edition of the season, three guest speakers will come to talk to us about the practices they use in their respective companies to offer the best possible experience to all their clients. Design thinking, e-commerce, marketing targeting - the topics discussed will be varied, just like the profiles of our guests.

Philippe Lafoucrière CEO Gemnasium, Engineering Manager - Security Products at GitLab –

Philippe, CEO of Gemnasium, will talk to us about how the tech company approaches user experience for its clients. Recently acquired by GitLab, the organization provides security solutions that are developed by programmers, for programmers.

Christian Bond CEO SaucesPiquantes.ca –

The CEO of the transactional platform SaucesPiquantes.ca will discuss the e-commerce practices and customer experience employed by the company to convey curiosity and passion for the world of hot sauces to its Quebec customers.

Benoît Meunier IMB Montreal –

With over 15 years of experience, Benoît holds the position of Senior UX Designer at IBM in Montreal. Our guest will revisit several Design Thinking projects undertaken for various clients.

1 november 2017

International UX Day

Initiating a digital transformation is not as straightforward as it's often made out to be. Fortunately, there are effective user experience (UX) methods to address these challenges while reducing risks. This day is designed for digital professionals, designers, product managers, executives, decision-makers, directors, presidents, vice presidents, and leaders driving digital products and services forward within your organization.

Experience Design, or How to Move from Delivery in Familiar Territory to Re-enchantment in Unknown Territory

Corinne Leulier Director of User Experience and Customer / Innovation through Usage - Klee Group (Paris, France) –

« How do we take into account the paradigm shift that is happening to adapt project management to the digital age? »

Adopt a hat and emerge alive from the digital transformation

Laure Gabrielle Chatenet Digital Customer Experience Strategist, UX-co (Québec) –

« And what if this digital turning point is difficult to embrace due to various internal and external perspectives? How do you differentiate between the real risks and the detractors or resistance ? »

Storytelling and Social Media: Has Content Become the Customer Experience?

Jacinthe Busson Designer & Chief Operating Officer - Fastory, Kontest (Paris, France) –

« Given the advancement of digital technology, it took several years to reveal the importance of content at the core of brand strategies. If good content amplifies the customer relationship, can we now assert that “Content” is the customer experience ? »

Facilitating the change of a corporate culture through EX (employee eXperience)

Nadège Bide Head of UX and Design Thinking – Palo IT (Paris, France) –

« The Human Factor Returns to the Core of Business and everyone dreams of engaged employees... From theory to practice... to introspection: and you, what makes you an engaged collaborator? »

One of the major contributions of UX in digital transformation: the redefinition of business models

Chrystel Black Director User Experience – JDA (Montreal) –

For a company, changing its processes is quite an experience. Chrystel will discuss the evolutions of JDA and the UX methods that have been implemented to facilitate this change, both before, during, and after the projects.

Mastering the balance between SEO and UX in the Era of Inbound Marketing

Frédéric Charest Marketing Strategist - Microsoft Dynamics 365 - SherWeb (Sherbrooke) –

« With the 'Fred' algorithm update and the growth of 'featured snippets,' Google is clearly emphasizing the importance of content relevance for its users. How can one develop rich content while providing an outstanding user experience? »

Beyond UX: The significance of customer experience (CX) in successfully navigating digital transformation

Catherine Gauthier Senior Consultant – Gauthier CX (Montreal) –

« Digital transformation undoubtedly involves UX. However, beyond UX, the transformation of the customer's state, their experience, occurs globally and unfolds across all channels, encompassing both technological and more traditional ones. »

Interview: Quebec's digital hardware store, Canac's grand project

Simon Goudreault Director of Web business and technologies - Canac (Quebec) –

In a conversational format, Simon Goudreault, technological director at Canac, will discuss their progress in digital evolution and transformation. For Canac, customer service is essential and should be consistent across all customer interactions with the brand.

20 october 2017

Within the scope of the Coopérathon organized by Desjardins Lab, Les Soirées UX are proud to host the evening of October 20th in Quebec City and act as mentors. The event will take place at Le Camp in Quebec City.

Workshop: Create quickly and effectively with game storming.

Julien Leroi UX Designer –

The gamestorming culture emerged in the 1970s in Silicon Valley. During this workshop, we will explore how to innovate, create, prototype rapidly to move on to the next phases of validation. Forget about the Design Sprint, you haven't seen anything yet :)

What is gamestorming? As the name suggests, gamestorming comes from two different words: "game" and "storming." The former, as you probably already know, refers to games. The term "storming" refers to the assault on a military position by a commando or a group of fighters.

Simply put, gamestorming can be understood as applying game principles to brainstorming techniques or brainstorming through games.

This method significantly boosts creativity and the generation of new ideas by simply changing the rules governing interactions. Of course, a few accessories are necessary in implementing gamestorming.

About Julien: With 4 years of professional experience as a UX designer and UI/UX Designer, along with a certified diploma in UX Design, I engage from exploration to realization by analyzing, deciphering, and deeply addressing design issues in the projects entrusted to me. I leverage a range of certified user-centered methodologies to create a human-machine interface, crafting its graphics myself. I work extensively in evangelizing and crafting relevant UX strategies tailored to your organization, specializing in agile UX processes and design sprints.

Kickstart your project on the right foot.

Laure Gabrielle Chatenet Digital customer experience strategist - UX-co –

Starting a new project with collaborators comes with its set of challenges. We often believe we're prepared, yet we find ourselves continually hindered by a series of constraints. What if the difficulty in starting was due to conflicting visions, both internally and externally? How do we sift through genuine risks and detractors or resistance? A crucial aspect in innovation is addressing the company culture and the digital collaborators, whether they're internal or external.

During a workshop, we will see how all participants in the room can view the project from the same perspective and identify both positive and negative aspects while wearing the same hat. With a shared understanding, it becomes easier to build a product or service aligned with the company's business objectives and targeted clientele. It also becomes simpler to determine what to evaluate, both among competitors and internally.

About Laure Gabrielle: Following the completion of her Master's in User Experience at Université Laval in Quebec, Laure Gabrielle founded UX-co, a customer experience consultancy, where she undertakes significant assignments in both the public and private sectors with international clients. As a co-founder of Capian, a usability evaluation tool, she engages with the community by founding "Les soirées UX," the premier UX event in Quebec.

UX strikes back! The power of user experience in digital projects

Jean-Michel Lacroix Co-founder - Capian.co –

Your project is innovative, incredibly appealing, leveraging cutting-edge designs, and the best technology in the world. All your friends praise how beautiful your site is, and your budget is well invested, perhaps entirely in development. Success seems within your grasp! But... no one seems to be using it. Could you have forgotten something?

UX is a product design strategy that places the user at the center. Since adoption is the key to any success, listening to your customers, understanding their needs, and quickly and effectively learning from them is crucial. For this purpose, there are user-centered design methods that validate, create, and iterate rapidly in a virtuous cycle of discovery and continuous improvement. These methods will maximize the success of your projects!

About Jean-Michel: Passionate about simple and efficient products, Jean-Michel has been working on projects in various industries for over 15 years. With a background in programming, his original and avant-garde approach has contributed to the success of renowned companies. As a co-founder of UX-co and the creator of Capian, he assists organizations in tackling the challenges of innovation they face. Passionate about understanding dynamics, he is always seeking the best ways to assess and design processes.

3 may 2017

For this final edition of the season, three speakers will discuss the role of user experience, users, and innovation within the large organizations where they currently work or have worked in the past.

Simplicity is not simple

François Gillon Electronic business advisor - iA Financial Group –

Drawing from his experience in one of the world's largest banks, François will explore simplicity in the banking and financial world, the obstacles to simplicity, and the methods to implement for making things simpler.

About François: For over 15 years, I've developed a genuine passion for how digital technology can simplify our lives. For nearly 11 years, I've been able to leverage this passion while working for one of the world's largest banks, Deutsche Bank, gradually enhancing the customer experience.

From reviewing the corporate website to developing an omnichannel approach and creating a personalized experience in the online banking environment, the customer has always been at the forefront. With this experience, I advised the CEO to help the bank leverage digital tools and develop a customer-centric approach by creating personas representing different types of clients.

Since then, I've been with iA Financial Group for nearly 3 years, contributing to the company's digital development with exciting challenges on the horizon.

UX in a government organization: Utopia or Reality?

Charles Gauthier Webmaster - Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) –

Charles has been working within the Quebec government for nearly 15 years. He started as a web integrator, then worked as a webmaster for various organizations, and currently serves as a UX advisor at the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

About Charles: With nearly 15 years of experience within the Quebec government, Charles began his career as a web integrator and later assumed the role of webmaster for different organizations. He currently serves as a UX advisor at the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

Title of the conference will be confirmed

ilias Benjelloun Interpreneurship Catalyst - DesjardinsLAB –

I will share my experience in building innovation capacity within Desjardins LAB, as well as that of Montreal NewTech, which has been contributing to the growth of the startup ecosystem in Montreal for nearly 9 years. This will be an opportunity to share my successes, failures, and the lessons learned that you can take back to your companies. If you work in a company or government organization that is contemplating environmental, process, and open innovation questions, this is for you!

About Ilias: Ilias Benjelloun has been involved for several years in Montreal's startup community through Montreal NewTech, the largest nonprofit organization in Montreal's domain founded in 2008. He has supported and assisted hundreds of entrepreneurs. Within Desjardins Lab, he also contributes to fostering and accelerating innovation within the Desjardins Movement while cultivating strong relationships with various innovation communities to amplify positive impact in Quebec.

21 february 2017

Online marketing: The importance of communication in customer experience - An interview with Michael Carpentier

Michael Carpentier Rituels - FYRI –

Michaël Carpentier, the irreverent merchant, will dive back into his former life as a digital consultant for one evening. In an interview format, he will discuss his experience as a consultant turned merchant with Rituels, how his expertise in communication helps him establish his presence and make a lasting impression online, and the importance of the customer experience.

See Michael's notes on his interview

UX and Accessibility: Friends or Enemies?

Mathieu Thériault Accessibility and UX specialist at CIAO –

Mathieu will analyze the relationship between accessibility and interface design (UX/UI) to explore how one can be beneficial to the other, and how accessibility can be integrated into design.

See Mathieu's slides

8 november 2016

Special Edition featuring international speakers for the Digital Customer Experience Day as part of World Usability Day 2016.

Editorial content to boost sales

Olivier Sauvage Wexperience (France) –

How to sell magazine subscriptions when you're the second-largest magazine publisher in France? Olivier Sauvage, Director of Wexperience Agency, will demonstrate with a concrete case how editorializing content has increased subscription sales on the prismashop.fr website.

About Olivier: Currently the founder and CEO of Wexperience, a digital ergonomics agency for e-business, Olivier is also a blogger through his site capitaine-commerce.com, voted the best e-commerce blog in 2009. As a speaker and blogger, he is a reference for any e-commerce project.

Improve your interfaces through user input

Rodolphe Héraud Testapic (France) –

By placing users at the heart of design, discover how you can enhance your UX. Explore practical examples demonstrating how to implement tests to understand user expectations, the associated costs, which elements to test, and the benefits to gain.

About Rodolphe: Rodolphe is a co-founder, partner, and Lead UX at Testapic.com, a company established in 2011, specializing in creating, conducting, and analyzing remote user tests on computers, tablets, and smartphones. With a background in multimedia graphic design, he early on placed the user at the center of his designs. During four years as a freelancer and five years as a UX manager at an advertiser, he has designed information architecture and interface experiences for numerous projects.

Having conducted over 40 studies through remote user tests, he has developed a particular affinity for user experiences and continuously questions himself by studying their behavior.

Smart City: How to foster collaboration among city stakeholders

Maël Inizan NUMA (France) –

Under the impetus of public institutions, the smart city must be built using a cycle of small-scale experimentation and prototyping to engage large companies and startups in an innovation dynamic.

About Maël: Within NUMA, Maël designs and leads Open Innovation programs that bring together large companies and startups. He supports project teams in identifying the right problems to solve through approaches focused on experimentation and user engagement. Presently, he notably leads the DataCity program.

20 september 2016

Turning Users into Ambassadors

Francois Lanthier Nadeau Content & Growth, Snipcart - SaaSpasse –

Through a "user experience journey," Snipcart has successfully transformed its users into ambassadors of their product. They will explore the various touchpoints with their brand and product, along with the different interactions, platforms, and results they have achieved.

Lightning Talks by the Community!

The formula is simple: short "lightning" presentation (5 minutes without support). Share successes or difficulties encountered in assignments, client projects, or startup projects. There's only one rule: the intervention must be constructive.

17 may 2016

The challenges of UX/UI in the context of security

Louis Nadeau Manager Product Security at Bentley Systems –

When supporting emotion unlocks behaviors

Isabelle Lopez Engagement strategies specialist at MA-14 - MySmartJourney –

Participative workshop in ethnographic UX, blend of small and large examples to inspire you.

23 february 2016

User experience work in hostile environments

Catherine Roy Freelance UX designer –

The customer and user experience are integral (interview)

Daniel Riou Founder, Défi Entreprises –

12 november 2015

An exclusive edition featuring international speakers for the Digital Customer Experience Day as part of the World Usability Day 2015! Download the press release
The press release is exclusively in French

How to design mobile navigation

Amélie Boucher UX Designer & Ergonomist (France) –

Pressed, interrupted, distracted... mobile users certainly cannot afford unnecessary screens, lengthy paths, and getting lost. What can we do to make their lives easier? To enable them to access the content they want as quickly as possible?

We will explore the options that can be considered, but most importantly, how to choose them according to your context: visible menu or hidden menu, hamburger menu, tabs, gesture navigation... We will also see how optimizing navigation can involve eliminating the need for navigation altogether: maximizing efficiency can be a game-changer!

Amélie Boucher is an expert in UX design. She has been practicing web and mobile user experience for 12 years across various domains: e-commerce, editorial, social networks, business software, and applications... In 2003, after obtaining her master's degree in ergonomics, she launched the website www.ergolab.net, a pioneer in the rise of the discipline in France. With the goal of familiarizing UX to all those involved in creating web and mobile services, she authored books on the subject (Web Ergonomics, Illustrated Web Ergonomics, and Mobile User Experience, Eyrolles editions). In 2013, she co-founded a design micro-studio with Nicolas Hess: L'UX sur le gâteau.

Web quality: preventing risks, enhancing the web

Élie Sloïm Quality manager, trainer, speaker, author (France) –

The Web project is complex. It mobilizes many skills, and professionals involved must master very diverse expertise. This is probably one of the reasons why in the Web world, there are numerous experts and specialists, while true generalists are still too rare. Does the digital sector need a foundation of minimum knowledge and skills for Web professionals? We will explore how the Web quality approach allows defining such a foundation and highlighting daily risks for website users. We will also examine the role of this approach in developing a common culture for the Web sector.

Quality Manager, Élie Sloïm has been working since 1999 on the quality of online services, particularly on website evaluation and certification aspects. As President of the company Temesis, specialized in quality, compliance, and online service accessibility, he intervenes with numerous project owners and contractors for Internet and intranet sites. He is the founder of the Opquast (Open Quality Standards) project, which he has been leading since its creation.

He speaks about website quality and accessibility at numerous conferences (a11y Québec, Confoo Montreal, ParisWeb, Open Data on the Web, Flupa UX day…) and has written over 150 articles on Web standards, UX, and digital accessibility.

He has authored several forewords for professional works, including "CSS2" by Raphaël Goetter, "Ergonomie Web" by Amélie Boucher, "Card Sorting" by Gautier Barrère and Eric Mazzone, and "Intégration Web: les bonnes pratiques" by Corinne Schillinger, published by Eyrolles. He is the co-author of "Site Web: les bonnes pratiques" and "Qualité Web," the reference work on Web quality management.

Transatlantic digital practices

Élie Sloïm, Amélie Boucher, Nicolas Hess, Pierre-Étienne Vachon, Laure Gabrielle Chatenet Animated by Jean-Michel Lacroix

Exchanges and discussions about international usage and practices.

15 september 2015

Effective integration of teams in a project. Successes and failures.

Phillipe Cantin CTO at SAGA and ioTheatre –

Creative sciences

Pierre Leroux VP of user experience at OVH –

25 may 2015

Selling to goldfish: the foundations of neuromarketing

Pierre-Étienne Vachon Mille Verba –

Dogfooding: how to apply UX methods to yourself as a Lean Startup

Jean-Michel Lacroix Co-founder at Capian –

Understanding the human behind the user, cognitive science research supporting design

Serge Pelletier Laval University –

18 february 2015

Transitioning a UX team into agile mode - Lessons learned

Jérôme Galiana Live Nation –

Marques & Marques

Manon Gruaz Arcbees –

Google Glass: a glimpse of the future in the present

Bertrand Lirette Laval University –

13 september 2014

Special edition with an international speaker for world usability day 2014!

Can we do UX without method and without evaluation?

Christian Bastien Professor at the University of Lorraine in Metz –

Apply methodologies to achieve your goals.

Jean-Michel Lacroix Co-founder at Capian –

11 september 2014

Robotic orthosis, Keeogo, for improved walking.


B-Temia develops and markets human augmentation systems that restore, maintain and enhance human mobility with wearable dermoskeletons thereby contributing to the reduction of musculoskeletal disorders.

Challenges encountered in data visualization related to user experience.

Éliot Jacquin 04h11 –

Creative agency specializing in visual campaigns, infographics, data visualizations, animated graphics, and data strategies. At 04h11, we explore your data and conceive graphics and visual representations to enhance the impact of your communication.

From theory to practice.

Frédérick Brault Electronic Business Advisor, Desjardins –

Frédérick has been designing software and websites for over 13 years, with a particular interest in usability and methods to measure it.

20 february 2014

Organized in collaboration with the team from Tout le monde UX based in Montréal.
Theme: From idea to reality.

The challenges of the industrial environment

Frédéric Paré Founder at E’Mind Tek

The adoption of technology by industrial workers demands particular attention to the customer experience. Some paradigms and assumptions we have as developers/technologists are consistently challenged for their benefit.

Simple Execution

Vincent Dagnault Owner and business coach — AdValeo

Vincent and his associate Hugo d’Astous have been working for 4 years on developing the Simple Execution management approach, aiming to align the organization members' actions with business objectives. The idea for Simple Execution arose from numerous discussions with executives disappointed with their results. Simple Execution primarily aims to simplify the integration, for small organizations, of management practices used by larger companies to enhance their performance. Simple Execution is continually evolving based on interventions conducted with AdValeo's clients and will continue to do so in the future.

Lightning talks!

Frédérik Brault will talk about his apparto experience.

Jean-Michel Lacroix will explain why Gofellow didn’t work.

10 october 2013

Organized in collaboration with the team from Tout le monde UX based in Montréal.
Theme: Adapting UX design stages according to our objectives.

The resolution of a social problem: The contribution of the ethnomethodological approach

Mathieu Thériault, Stéphanie Turgeon-Girard, Hugo Savoie, Tony Aubé Winning Student Team at CHI 2013 in Paris

In design, methods for collecting ethnographic data are often overlooked in favor of more traditional methods, as their deployment costs may seem high compared to anticipated benefits. However, in some cases, a more creative field approach can be indispensable for certain projects. This was the case for the Paléo project, for which a team from the Master's in Multimedia Design at Laval University used an ethnography-based design approach adapted to the particular characteristics of their mandate. During the presentation, the team will showcase this approach that enabled them to secure the first place in the student design competition at CHI, the largest international conference in human-computer interaction, held last spring in Paris.

Design and UX, human intervention beyond technological capabilities

Isabelle Fluet Artistic director at iXmédia

One might sometimes get the impression that the role of designers is simply about coloring schematic mock-ups like paint by numbers, but no, that's not really the job of a web designer. The enhancement, the interpretation of the interface by an expert resource where every detail matters will make all the difference in bringing the product to life. Does design help or hinder UX?

Flat design is a strong trend currently seen in iOS 7 and previously with Windows 8, but is it really new? What does it represent for the user? What are the dangers of this type of interface? Interfaces have long been created by technological constraints; despite time and history, are there principles that remain essential?

UX in advertising: The silent revolution

Daniel Ouellet Digital creative director, Cossette

The advertising world is undergoing a real upheaval. Even the definition of the word 'advertisement' needs revision. One thing is clear: advertisers can no longer simply communicate. Now, the aim is to engage the consumer. How do we move away from conveying a message to creating experiences and products? How do we address the challenge of relevance and design desired and desirable approaches? Daniel will share his thoughts on the subject as well as his working methodology with you.

2 may 2013

Organized in collaboration with the team from Tout le monde UX based in Montréal.
Theme: 'Serious Gaming'.

Designing educational games, it's possible!

Louise Sauvé TÉLUQ –

Millions of people invest a phenomenal amount of time playing on computers, the internet, or their mobile devices; so why not play games to learn? There are many hesitations in educational environments when it comes to integrating educational games into regular (from elementary to university) or continuing education (workplace, governmental, and community). Several reasons are mentioned: games that are unsuitable or difficult to adapt to the educational content, the predominance of gaming over education, the prohibitively high cost to produce or purchase, and so on.

Iboolab for the Education / Pedagogy aspect

François Boucher-Genesse

Beyond the multiple-choice questionnaire, even though the educational potential of video games is often mentioned, few games go beyond the disguised multiple-choice question. In what types of situations should we use more complex educational games? A demonstration of the next game from Iboolab, still in development, will allow us to examine the concrete challenges of this type of project.

(Affordance) for Professional Training

Pascal Nataf

The presentation will be an opportunity to revisit the genesis of a playshop. In other words, the adaptation of an existing video game into a gamified workshop for agile management awareness. Alongside the Human Resources Manager of Sainte-Justine, we will outline the steps of this innovative process carried out in just 9 days. Intentions, methodology, and Post-Mortem: the initial lessons from a PlayShop!

The serious game... so are we playing or being serious?

Jean-François Bourbeau

The energy efficiency, meh. Giant robots roaming the galaxy to bring electricity back to civilizations in peril, now that's serious. The presentation will explain the genesis and thinking behind The Energy Bureau, a large-scale mobile serious game on energy consumption. It will cover the design decisions related to the playful transmission of knowledge in a commercial context, where a compromise was made in terms of content in favor of a more stimulating user experience. We'll explain how this approach, revolving around the notion of enjoyment, leads players to gain a better understanding of the subject and even take concrete actions.