SEO Strategy

Effective SEO support for optimal profitability

Our SEO strategy, based on the audit of your site, will transform your online presence by improving the ranking of the website in search results and acquiring targeted and qualified traffic.

Plusieurs personnes sont assises autour d'une table avec des ordinateurs portatifs et des cahiers déposés dessus.

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques aimed at optimizing the visibility and positioning of a website in the results of search engines like Google. These techniques include optimizing the content, structure and technical aspects of the site to make it more relevant and attractive to search engines and users.

Image d'un écran d'ordinateur affichant des tableaux et des chiffres

Do you need SEO support?

Website not indexed

Your website has not been crawled by search robots and therefore is not present in the engine databases.

Website not ranked

Your website is not displayed in the first pages of search results for relevant keywords relating to its activity.

Low organic traffic

The number of visitors to your website from search engines is very low or almost non-existent.

Low conversion rate

The CRO audit carried out reveals a deficit in terms of conversions on your website.

Benefits of SEO Strategy

Increased visibility

A well-planned and executed SEO strategy can significantly increase the visibility of your website in search results. By optimizing relevant keywords, content and structure of your site, you have a greater chance of appearing on the first pages of search engines like Google.

Qualified traffic

SEO helps generate relevant and qualified traffic to your website. Unlike traditional advertising where the message is broadcast to a large audience indiscriminately, SEO targets specific users who are looking for information related to your domain. This increases the chances that these visitors will be interested in what you offer.

High ROI

Although search engine optimization requires an initial investment of time and resources, it provides a high return on investment (ROI) in the long run. Unlike paid advertising campaigns, SEO results are long-lasting and can continue to attract traffic without ongoing advertising costs.

Competitive advantage

A well-executed SEO strategy gives you a significant advantage over your competitors. By being visible and attracting qualified traffic, you can capture a larger market share. In addition, SEO allows you to stay up to date with the latest trends and market developments and, thus, maintain your dominant position.

The keys of SEO Strategy

An SEO strategy can only succeed in bearing fruit if the implementation of its main actions is in compliance with the search engine ranking criteria.

Identify the terms and phrases your target audience uses to search for similar products or services.

Optimized and unique TITLE tags and meta descriptions. Short URL structures containing relevant keywords. Prioritizing content with structured Hn title tags.

Produce articles, blogs, and site pages that are information-rich, well-written and relevant to users.

Acquire inbound links from reliable and authoritative websites to build your site's credibility.

Use analytical tools to monitor site performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and adjust strategy accordingly.

Calque du logo de UX-co

AI at the service of SEO

At UX-CO, we take advantage of the best AI tools to implement a relevant and effective SEO strategy.

Our SEO strategy approach

An SEO strategy is generally made up of two phases. First of all, the analysis and optimization phase which consists, among other things, of carrying out an SEO audit, defining the keywords and optimizing the site in terms of structure and content.

SEO monitoring phase

Once the analysis and optimization phase is completed, reporting of the results and meticulous monitoring will be carried out at regular frequencies.

Our SEO plans



Creation fee: $1,500

  • Keyword research
  • Technical audit
  • Technical optimizations
  • META tag optimizations
  • Internal linking
  • Backlink strategy
  • Google tools (Analytics, Search Console)
  • Google My Business
  • Ranking monitoring 20 keywords
  • 1 blog post / month
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Strategy Support 2h/month




Creation fee: $1,500

  • Keyword research
  • Technical audit
  • Technical optimizations
  • Competitive benchmark
  • META tag optimizations
  • Internal linking
  • Backlink strategy
  • Google tools (Analytics, Search Console)
  • Google My Business
  • Conversion tagging
  • Ranking monitoring 30 keywords
  • 2 blog posts / month
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Strategy Support 3h/month

Contact us

Creation fee : $1,500

  • Keyword research
  • Technical audit
  • Technical optimizations
  • Competitive benchmark
  • META tag optimizations
  • Internal linking
  • Backlink strategy
  • Google tools (Analytics, Search Console)
  • Google My Business
  • Conversion tagging
  • Ranking monitoring To define
  • Blog posts To define
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Strategy Support / month To define

Our experts

Photo de Laure Gabrielle Chatenet

Laure Gabrielle Chatenet

President - UX Expert

Photo de Jeam-Michel Lacroix

Jean-Michel Lacroix

Expert in technical performance

Calque de Capian

We designed and developed Capian, a usability assessment support software that enables professionals to create better assessments more efficiently.

What our customers think

"Quick and effective fixes rather than a major overhaul"

"The UX-co audit allowed us to make major fixes to our website, quickly and without having to redo everything. I was able to make a portion of the fixes myself and for the rest I was fine equipped to negotiate with my agency."

Daniel Riou
President of Défi Entreprises


Increase in registration numbers


Reduced customer support burden

SEO Frequently Asked Questions

SEO optimizes your site to achieve natural and sustainable rankings in search results without advertising costs, while SEA uses paid advertising for immediate but temporary rankings.

Typically, it takes between 3-6 months to see significant results, and up to 12 months for lasting results.

An SEO report includes keyword rankings, organic traffic, traffic sources, conversions, any technical or content issues, and suggestions for improvement.

SEO increases qualified traffic, improves conversion rate, reduces advertising costs, builds credibility and gives you a competitive advantage.


  • Most interventions will be on Skype / telephone. In-person presentations will take place in the greater Quebec City region. No travel costs are included and the costs of an intervention outside the greater Quebec region will be negotiated.
  • Payment takes place before the start of the intervention.
  • The number of hours for each intervention is limited. The maximum time allocated represents the offer price divided by our hourly rate of $125.
  • Access to Capian’s “Premium” package lasts 6 months.
  • For the analysis of Google Analytics statistics, you will need to provide us with access.
  • The audit report will be produced using the Capian audit tool by a UX-co expert.